If you prefer to pay by check, download the Registration PDF, print, fill it out and mail it in with your check.
Otherwise, click on the Featured Products below to register by adding items to your cart and pay by credit card.
Submission of this form by party listed above signifies the following statement: I agree to hold organizers of this event and their agents harmless from all suits, claims, or demands of every kind and character arising out of and in conjunction with this event. I hereby authorize the reproductions, sale, copyright, exhibition, broadcast, and/or distribution of any event videotape and/or photograph without limitations. I understand the physical risks of entering dance competition and social dancing and assume full responsibility for any injury or personal damages resulting from the event named above. I certify that I am 18 years of age or older (applicable to Legal Guardian if under 18 years of age).
All purchases are non-refundable. Passes may be rolled over to the following year at the discretion of the event directors.
99 Danbury Road, New Milford, Connecticut 06776, United States